Un manuale per unirsi all'ecosistema Solana. Dai costruttori per i costruttori.
Usa questi corsi della Solana Foundation e della comunità per iniziare il tuo viaggio nello sviluppo su Solana.
Inizia il tuo viaggio nello sviluppo Solana dall'inizio fino a programmi complessi.
Impara dai tutorial e dalle guide dell'ecosistema Solana più ampio.
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
Minimizing the amount of compute a program uses is critical both for the performance and cost of executing transactions. This guide will show you how to optimize compute usage in your programs on Solana.
Learn about the key differences between the SVM and EVM development environments and start building with Solana.
With the new token extensions, you can create custom logic for your tokens. In this guide we will go over everything you need to know about token extensions and what you need to get started building today
Leggi la documentazione per Solana e gli strumenti popolari.
Scopri come funziona Solana e ottieni una comprensione ad alto livello dell'architettura di Solana.
Crea rapidamente programmi Solana sicuri in Rust utilizzando il framework Anchor.
Agave 2.0 reaches supermajority on mainnet; 2.1 coming. Updates include Windows build fixes & QUIC voting implementation. New resources cover web3.js v2 and ...
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