Tokens on Solana can serve various purposes, such as in-game rewards, incentives, or other applications. For example, you can create tokens and distribute them to players when they complete specific in-game actions. In this example we will learn how to setup an Anchor program to mint and burn tokens in a game. If you want to instead learn how you can store tokens in a PDA you can check out the Token Vault example in Solana Playground.
In this tutorial, we will build a game using Anchor to introduce the basics of interacting with the Token Program on Solana. The game will be structured around four main actions: creating a new token mint, initializing player accounts, rewarding players for defeating enemies, and allowing players to heal by burning tokens.
The program consists of 4 instructions:
- this instruction creates a new token mint with a Program Derived Address (PDA) as the mint authority and creates the metadata account for the mint. We will add a constraint that allows only an "admin" to invoke this instructioninit_player
- this instruction initializes a new player account with a starting health of 100kill_enemy
- this instruction deducts 10 health points from the player account upon “defeating an enemy” and mints 1 token as a reward for the playerheal
- this instruction allows a player to burn 1 token to restore their health back to 100
This example uses some external tools and program, created by Metaplex, for working with tokens. For a high-level overview of the relationship among user wallets, token mints, token accounts, and token metadata accounts, consider exploring this portion of the Metaplex documentation.
Getting Started
To start building the program, visit the Solana Playground and create a new Anchor project. If you're new to Solana Playground, you'll also need to create a Playground Wallet. You can also find the final example here called Battle coins
After creating a new project, replace the default starter code with the code below:
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;use anchor_spl::{associated_token::AssociatedToken,metadata::{create_metadata_accounts_v3, CreateMetadataAccountsV3, Metadata},token::{burn, mint_to, Burn, Mint, MintTo, Token, TokenAccount},};use mpl_token_metadata::{pda::find_metadata_account, state::DataV2};use solana_program::{pubkey, pubkey::Pubkey};declare_id!("11111111111111111111111111111111");#[program]pub mod anchor_token {use super::*;}
Here we are simply bringing into scope the crates and corresponding modules we
will be using for this program. We'll be using the anchor_spl
crates to help us interact with the SPL Token program and
Metaplex's Token Metadata program.
Create Mint instruction
First, let's implement an instruction to create a new token mint and its metadata account. The on-chain token metadata, including the name, symbol, and URI, will be provided as parameters to the instruction.
Additionally, we'll only allow an "admin" to invoke this instruction by defining
constant and using it as a constraint. Be sure to replace the
with your Solana Playground wallet's public key.
The create_mint
instruction requires the following accounts:
that signs the transaction and pays for the initialization of the accountsreward_token_mint
- the new token mint we are initializing, using a PDA as both the mint account's address and its mint authoritymetadata_account
- the metadata account we are initializing for the token minttoken_program
- required for interacting with instructions on the Token programtoken_metadata_program
- required account for interacting with instructions on the Token Metadata programsystem_program
- a required account when creating a new accountrent
- Sysvar Rent, a required account when creating the metadata account
// Only this public key can call this instructionconst ADMIN_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_WALLET_PUBKEY");#[program]pub mod anchor_token {use super::*;// Create new token mint with PDA as mint authoritypub fn create_mint(ctx: Context<CreateMint>,uri: String,name: String,symbol: String,) -> Result<()> {// PDA seeds and bump to "sign" for CPIlet seeds = b"reward";let bump = *ctx.bumps.get("reward_token_mint").unwrap();let signer: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[seeds, &[bump]]];// On-chain token metadata for the mintlet data_v2 = DataV2 {name: name,symbol: symbol,uri: uri,seller_fee_basis_points: 0,creators: None,collection: None,uses: None,};// CPI Contextlet cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer(ctx.accounts.token_metadata_program.to_account_info(),CreateMetadataAccountsV3 {metadata: ctx.accounts.metadata_account.to_account_info(), // the metadata account being createdmint: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(), // the mint account of the metadata accountmint_authority: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(), // the mint authority of the mint accountupdate_authority: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(), // the update authority of the metadata accountpayer: ctx.accounts.admin.to_account_info(), // the payer for creating the metadata accountsystem_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), // the system program accountrent:, // the rent sysvar account},signer,);create_metadata_accounts_v3(cpi_ctx, // cpi contextdata_v2, // token metadatatrue, // is_mutabletrue, // update_authority_is_signerNone, // collection details)?;Ok(())}}#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct CreateMint<'info> {#[account(mut,address = ADMIN_PUBKEY)]pub admin: Signer<'info>,// The PDA is both the address of the mint account and the mint authority#[account(init,seeds = [b"reward"],bump,payer = admin,mint::decimals = 9,mint::authority = reward_token_mint,)]pub reward_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,///CHECK: Using "address" constraint to validate metadata account address#[account(mut,address=find_metadata_account(&reward_token_mint.key()).0)]pub metadata_account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,pub token_metadata_program: Program<'info, Metadata>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,}
The create_mint
instruction creates a new token mint, using a Program Derived
Address (PDA) as both the address of the token mint and its mint authority. The
instruction takes a URI (offchain metadata), name, and symbol as parameters.
This instruction then creates a metadata account for the token mint through a
Cross-Program Invocation (CPI) calling the
instruction from the Token Metadata program.
The PDA is used to "sign" the CPI since it is the mint authority, which is a
required signer when creating the metadata account for a mint. The instruction
data (URI, name, symbol) is included in the DataV2
struct to specify the new
token mint's metadata.
We also verify that the address of the admin
account signing the transaction
matches the value of the ADMIN_PUBKEY
constant to ensure only the intended
wallet can invoke this instruction.
Init Player Instruction
Next, let's implement the init_player
instruction which creates a new player
account with an initial health of 100. The constant MAX_HEALTH
is set to 100
to represent the starting health.
The init_player
instruction requires the following accounts:
- the new player account we are initializing, which will store the player's healthplayer
- the user who signs the transaction and pays for the initialization of the accountsystem_program
- a required account when creating a new account
// Player max healthconst MAX_HEALTH: u8 = 100;#[program]pub mod anchor_token {use super::*;...// Create new player accountpub fn init_player(ctx: Context<InitPlayer>) -> Result<()> { = MAX_HEALTH;Ok(())}}...#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct InitPlayer<'info> {#[account(init,payer = player,space = 8 + 8,seeds = [b"player".as_ref(), player.key().as_ref()],bump,)]pub player_data: Account<'info, PlayerData>,#[account(mut)]pub player: Signer<'info>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,}#[account]pub struct PlayerData {pub health: u8,}
The player_data
account is initialized using a Program Derived Address (PDA)
with the player
public key as one of the seeds. This ensures that each
account is unique and associated with the player
, allowing every
player to create their own player_data
Kill Enemy Instruction
Next, let's implement the kill_enemy
instruction which reduces the player's
health by 10 and mints 1 token to the player's token account as a reward.
The kill_enemy
instruction requires the following accounts:
- the player receiving the tokenplayer_data
- the player data account storing the player's current healthplayer_token_account
- the player's associated token account where tokens will be mintedreward_token_mint
- the token mint account, specifying the type of token that will be mintedtoken_program
- required for interacting with instructions on the token programassociated_token_program
- required when working with associated token accountssystem_program
- a required account when creating a new account
#[program]pub mod anchor_token {use super::*;...// Mint token to player token accountpub fn kill_enemy(ctx: Context<KillEnemy>) -> Result<()> {// Check if player has enough healthif == 0 {return err!(ErrorCode::NotEnoughHealth);}// Subtract 10 health from =;// PDA seeds and bump to "sign" for CPIlet seeds = b"reward";let bump = *ctx.bumps.get("reward_token_mint").unwrap();let signer: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[seeds, &[bump]]];// CPI Contextlet cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer(ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),MintTo {mint: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(),to: ctx.accounts.player_token_account.to_account_info(),authority: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(),},signer,);// Mint 1 token, accounting for decimals of mintlet amount = (1u64).checked_mul(10u64.pow(ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.decimals as u32)).unwrap();mint_to(cpi_ctx, amount)?;Ok(())}}...#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct KillEnemy<'info> {#[account(mut)]pub player: Signer<'info>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"player".as_ref(), player.key().as_ref()],bump,)]pub player_data: Account<'info, PlayerData>,// Initialize player token account if it doesn't exist#[account(init_if_needed,payer = player,associated_token::mint = reward_token_mint,associated_token::authority = player)]pub player_token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"reward"],bump,)]pub reward_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,}#[error_code]pub enum ErrorCode {#[msg("Not enough health")]NotEnoughHealth,}
The player's health is reduced by 10 to represent the “battle with the enemy”. We'll also check the player's current health and return a custom Anchor error if the player has 0 health.
The instruction then uses a cross-program invocation (CPI) to call the mint_to
instruction from the Token program and mints 1 token of the reward_token_mint
to the player_token_account
as a reward for killing the enemy.
Since the mint authority for the token mint is a Program Derived Address (PDA), we can mint tokens directly by calling this instruction without additional signers. The program can "sign" on behalf of the PDA, allowing token minting without explicitly requiring extra signers.
Heal Instruction
Next, let's implement the heal
instruction which allows a player to burn 1
token and restore their health to its maximum value.
The heal
instruction requires the following accounts:
- the player executing the healing actionplayer_data
- the player data account storing the player's current healthplayer_token_account
- the player's associated token account where the tokens will be burnedreward_token_mint
- the token mint account, specifying the type of token that will be burnedtoken_program
- required for interacting with instructions on the token programassociated_token_program
- required when working with associated token accounts
#[program]pub mod anchor_token {use super::*;...// Burn token to health playerpub fn heal(ctx: Context<Heal>) -> Result<()> { = MAX_HEALTH;// CPI Contextlet cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),Burn {mint: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(),from: ctx.accounts.player_token_account.to_account_info(),authority: ctx.accounts.player.to_account_info(),},);// Burn 1 token, accounting for decimals of mintlet amount = (1u64).checked_mul(10u64.pow(ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.decimals as u32)).unwrap();burn(cpi_ctx, amount)?;Ok(())}}...#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct Heal<'info> {#[account(mut)]pub player: Signer<'info>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"player".as_ref(), player.key().as_ref()],bump,)]pub player_data: Account<'info, PlayerData>,#[account(mut,associated_token::mint = reward_token_mint,associated_token::authority = player)]pub player_token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"reward"],bump,)]pub reward_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,}
The player's health is restored to its maximum value using the heal
instruction. The instruction then uses a cross-program invocation (CPI) to call
the burn
instruction from the Token program, which burns 1 token from the
to heal the player.
Build and Deploy
Great job! You've now completed the program! Go ahead and build and deploy it using the Solana Playground. Your final program should look like this:
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;use anchor_spl::{associated_token::AssociatedToken,metadata::{create_metadata_accounts_v3, CreateMetadataAccountsV3, Metadata},token::{burn, mint_to, Burn, Mint, MintTo, Token, TokenAccount},};use mpl_token_metadata::{pda::find_metadata_account, state::DataV2};use solana_program::{pubkey, pubkey::Pubkey};declare_id!("CCLnXJAJYFjCHLCugpBCEQKrpiSApiRM4UxkBUHJRrv4");const ADMIN_PUBKEY: Pubkey = pubkey!("REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_WALLET_PUBKEY");const MAX_HEALTH: u8 = 100;#[program]pub mod anchor_token {use super::*;// Create new token mint with PDA as mint authoritypub fn create_mint(ctx: Context<CreateMint>,uri: String,name: String,symbol: String,) -> Result<()> {// PDA seeds and bump to "sign" for CPIlet seeds = b"reward";let bump = *ctx.bumps.get("reward_token_mint").unwrap();let signer: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[seeds, &[bump]]];// On-chain token metadata for the mintlet data_v2 = DataV2 {name: name,symbol: symbol,uri: uri,seller_fee_basis_points: 0,creators: None,collection: None,uses: None,};// CPI Contextlet cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer(ctx.accounts.token_metadata_program.to_account_info(),CreateMetadataAccountsV3 {metadata: ctx.accounts.metadata_account.to_account_info(), // the metadata account being createdmint: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(), // the mint account of the metadata accountmint_authority: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(), // the mint authority of the mint accountupdate_authority: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(), // the update authority of the metadata accountpayer: ctx.accounts.admin.to_account_info(), // the payer for creating the metadata accountsystem_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), // the system program accountrent:, // the rent sysvar account},signer,);create_metadata_accounts_v3(cpi_ctx, // cpi contextdata_v2, // token metadatatrue, // is_mutabletrue, // update_authority_is_signerNone, // collection details)?;Ok(())}// Create new player accountpub fn init_player(ctx: Context<InitPlayer>) -> Result<()> { = MAX_HEALTH;Ok(())}// Mint tokens to player token accountpub fn kill_enemy(ctx: Context<KillEnemy>) -> Result<()> {// Check if player has enough healthif == 0 {return err!(ErrorCode::NotEnoughHealth);}// Subtract 10 health from =;// PDA seeds and bump to "sign" for CPIlet seeds = b"reward";let bump = *ctx.bumps.get("reward_token_mint").unwrap();let signer: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[seeds, &[bump]]];// CPI Contextlet cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer(ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),MintTo {mint: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(),to: ctx.accounts.player_token_account.to_account_info(),authority: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(),},signer,);// Mint 1 token, accounting for decimals of mintlet amount = (1u64).checked_mul(10u64.pow(ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.decimals as u32)).unwrap();mint_to(cpi_ctx, amount)?;Ok(())}// Burn Token to health playerpub fn heal(ctx: Context<Heal>) -> Result<()> { = MAX_HEALTH;// CPI Contextlet cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),Burn {mint: ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.to_account_info(),from: ctx.accounts.player_token_account.to_account_info(),authority: ctx.accounts.player.to_account_info(),},);// Burn 1 token, accounting for decimals of mintlet amount = (1u64).checked_mul(10u64.pow(ctx.accounts.reward_token_mint.decimals as u32)).unwrap();burn(cpi_ctx, amount)?;Ok(())}}#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct CreateMint<'info> {#[account(mut,address = ADMIN_PUBKEY)]pub admin: Signer<'info>,// The PDA is both the address of the mint account and the mint authority#[account(init,seeds = [b"reward"],bump,payer = admin,mint::decimals = 9,mint::authority = reward_token_mint,)]pub reward_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,///CHECK: Using "address" constraint to validate metadata account address#[account(mut,address=find_metadata_account(&reward_token_mint.key()).0)]pub metadata_account: UncheckedAccount<'info>,pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,pub token_metadata_program: Program<'info, Metadata>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,pub rent: Sysvar<'info, Rent>,}#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct InitPlayer<'info> {#[account(init,payer = player,space = 8 + 8,seeds = [b"player".as_ref(), player.key().as_ref()],bump,)]pub player_data: Account<'info, PlayerData>,#[account(mut)]pub player: Signer<'info>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,}#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct KillEnemy<'info> {#[account(mut)]pub player: Signer<'info>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"player".as_ref(), player.key().as_ref()],bump,)]pub player_data: Account<'info, PlayerData>,// Initialize player token account if it doesn't exist#[account(init_if_needed,payer = player,associated_token::mint = reward_token_mint,associated_token::authority = player)]pub player_token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"reward"],bump,)]pub reward_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,}#[derive(Accounts)]pub struct Heal<'info> {#[account(mut)]pub player: Signer<'info>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"player".as_ref(), player.key().as_ref()],bump,)]pub player_data: Account<'info, PlayerData>,#[account(mut,associated_token::mint = reward_token_mint,associated_token::authority = player)]pub player_token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,#[account(mut,seeds = [b"reward"],bump,)]pub reward_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,}#[account]pub struct PlayerData {pub health: u8,}#[error_code]pub enum ErrorCode {#[msg("Not enough health")]NotEnoughHealth,}
Get Started with the Client
In this section, we'll walk you through a simple client-side implementation for
interacting with the program. To get started, navigate to the client.ts
in Solana Playground, remove the placeholder code, and add the code snippets
from the following sections.
Start by adding the following code for the setup.
import { Metaplex } from "@metaplex-foundation/js";import { getMint, getAssociatedTokenAddressSync } from "@solana/spl-token";// metaplex token metadata program IDconst TOKEN_METADATA_PROGRAM_ID = new web3.PublicKey("metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s",);// metaplex setupconst metaplex = Metaplex.make(pg.connection);// token metadataconst metadata = {uri: "",name: "Solana Gold",symbol: "GOLDSOL",};// reward token mint PDAconst [rewardTokenMintPda] = anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync([Buffer.from("reward")],pg.PROGRAM_ID,);// player data account PDAconst [playerPDA] = anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync([Buffer.from("player"), pg.wallet.publicKey.toBuffer()],pg.PROGRAM_ID,);// reward token mint metadata account addressconst rewardTokenMintMetadataPDA = await metaplex.nfts().pdas().metadata({ mint: rewardTokenMintPda });// player token account addressconst playerTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(rewardTokenMintPda,pg.wallet.publicKey,);
Next, add the following two helper functions. These functions will be used to confirm transactions and fetch account data.
async function logTransaction(txHash) {const { blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight } =await pg.connection.getLatestBlockhash();await pg.connection.confirmTransaction({blockhash,lastValidBlockHeight,signature: txHash,});console.log(`Use 'solana confirm -v ${txHash}' to see the logs`);}async function fetchAccountData() {const [playerBalance, playerData] = await Promise.all([pg.connection.getTokenAccountBalance(playerTokenAccount),pg.program.account.playerData.fetch(playerPDA),]);console.log("Player Token Balance: ", playerBalance.value.uiAmount);console.log("Player Health: ",;}
Next, invoke the createMint
instruction to create a new token mint if it does
not already exist:
let txHash;try {const mintData = await getMint(pg.connection, rewardTokenMintPda);console.log("Mint Already Exists");} catch {txHash = await pg.program.methods.createMint(metadata.uri,, metadata.symbol).accounts({rewardTokenMint: rewardTokenMintPda,metadataAccount: rewardTokenMintMetadataPDA,tokenMetadataProgram: TOKEN_METADATA_PROGRAM_ID,}).rpc();await logTransaction(txHash);}console.log("Token Mint: ", rewardTokenMintPda.toString());
Next, call the initPlayer
instruction to create a new player account if one
does not already exist.
try {const playerData = await pg.program.account.playerData.fetch(playerPDA);console.log("Player Already Exists");console.log("Player Health: ",;} catch {txHash = await pg.program.methods.initPlayer().accounts({playerData: playerPDA,player: pg.wallet.publicKey,}).rpc();await logTransaction(txHash);console.log("Player Account Created");}
Next, invoke the killEnemy
txHash = await pg.program.methods.killEnemy().accounts({playerData: playerPDA,playerTokenAccount: playerTokenAccount,rewardTokenMint: rewardTokenMintPda,}).rpc();await logTransaction(txHash);console.log("Enemy Defeated");await fetchAccountData();
Next, invoke the heal
txHash = await pg.program.methods.heal().accounts({playerData: playerPDA,playerTokenAccount: playerTokenAccount,rewardTokenMint: rewardTokenMintPda,}).rpc();await logTransaction(txHash);console.log("Player Healed");await fetchAccountData();
Finally, run the client by clicking the “Run” button in Solana Playground. You can copy the Token Mint address printed to the console and verify on Solana Explorer that the token now has metadata. The output should be similar to the following:
Running client...client.ts:Use 'solana confirm -v 3AWnpt2Wy6jQckue4QeKsgDNKhKkhpewPmRtxvJpzxGgvK9XK9KEpTiUzAQ5vSC6CUoUjc6xWZCtrihVrFy8sACC' to see the logsToken Mint: 3eS7hdyeVX5g8JGhn3Z7qFXJaewoJ8hzgvubovQsPm4SUse 'solana confirm -v 63jbBr5U4LG75TiiHfz65q7yKJfHDhGP2ocCiDat5M2k4cWtUMAx9sHvxhnEguLDKXMbDUQKUt1nhvyQkXoDhxst' to see the logsPlayer Account CreatedUse 'solana confirm -v 2ziK41WLoxfEHvtUgc5c1SyKCAr5FvAS54ARBJrjqh9GDwzYqu7qWCwHJCgMZyFEVovYK5nUZhDRHPTMrTjq1Mm6' to see the logsEnemy DefeatedPlayer Token Balance: 1Player Health: 90Use 'solana confirm -v 2QoAH22Q3xXz9t2TYRycQMqpEmauaRvmUfZ7ZNKUEoUyHWqpjW972VD3eZyeJrXsviaiCC3g6TE54oKmKbFQf2Q7' to see the logsPlayer HealedPlayer Token Balance: 0Player Health: 100